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Jordi Castellà


| Choir


Anatomia humana

Choir (SAB) and piano

January 2016

Lyrics: Elna Clua Novials.
Music: Jordi Castellà Bové.
Commissioned by the Sícoris choir for the Sant Jordi Literary Day 2016.
Released on April 22, 2016 in the Grenyana hermitage by the Sícoris choir (Blanca Julià , conductor).

Canço de Segadors

Choir (SATB), flute, baroque guitar, viola da gamba soprano, violone and cajón, three voices and piano

May 2018

Commissioned by the Chamber Choir of the Enric Granados de Lleida Auditorium (CCAEG), as part of the project "Cançons Populars (ancient) of the Pyrenees". Original melody and lyrics collected in Tremp and La Pobla.

Premiered and recorded live at the Enric Granados Auditorium in Lleida on June 2, 2018 by the Chamber Choir of the Enric Granados Auditorium (Xavier Puig, conductor).

Link to Youtube:

Fem Nadal

Choir (SATB) and Piano | Mixed choir (SATB), guitar, piano and percussion

October 2015

Choral version of the "Fem Nadal" Christmas carol.

Choir and piano version premiered on December 17, 2017 at the Palau de la Música Catalana by the Cor Signum. Version for choir, piano, guitar and percussion premiered on December 25, 2015 by the Orfeó de Solsona (Anna Camps, conductor). Recorded on December 18, 2016 live at the Gran Teatre de la Passió de Cervera (Núria Mas, conductor).

Link to Youtube:

Hola, món!

Choir (SSA) and piano

January 2023

Work based on a text generated by ChatGPT.

La Corona de Coloms

Children's choir, SATB choir, piano and organ, harp, percussion and narrator

February 2020

Winning work of Josep Anselm Clavé Award for Choral Singing in Catalonia 2020

Commissioned by the Nova Cervera Children's Choir, on the occasion of their 50th anniversary.

Premiered on June 4, 2023 at the Church of Santa Maria de Cervera.

Youtube link:

La Noia de l'Empordà

Choir (SSA), violin, cello and piano | A cappella Choir (SSA)

December 2022

Commissioned by Petits Cantaires of the Orfeó de Flix on the occasion of their 50th birthday.

Premiered on June 30, 2023 at the Flix Church.


Choir (SATB)

November 2013

Award-winning work at the 2014 Catalonia Choral Composition Awards.
Premiered by the Albada choir of the Cor Madrigal Group on May 17, 2024, at the Josep Viader Auditorium in Girona - Girona A Cappella Festival, under the direction of Esteve Costa.

Nadal Sense Neu

Choir (SSA) and piano

November 2020

Choral version of the carol "Nadal Sense Neu" (Christmas without snow).

Tot Anirà Bé

Choir (SAB) and piano

November 2020

Choral version of the song "Tot Anirà Bé" (Everything will be fine).

Un Nadal per a tothom

Choir (SAB) and piano (optional double bass)

December 2021

Choral version of the carol "Un Nadal per a Tothom".

| Orchestra


La Bobina Meravellosa

Elementary level string orchestra and narrator

September 2016

Music tale for elementary level string orchestra and narrator.
Premiered on June 16, 2017, in the Auditorium of Cervera, by the Britten Orchestra of the Conservatory of Cervera. Jordi Armengol, conductor; Xavier Hidalgo, narrator.

Tibau symphonic

Symphony orchestra and modern music group

September 2015

Dedicated to the Tibau group on the occasion of its 10th anniversary.
Premiered and recorded live on January 2, 2016 at the Gran Teatre de la Passió de Cervera. Paula Castells, vocals; Josep Rodríguez, electric guitar; Teresa Sala, electric bass; Marc Castellà, piano; Gerard Cortadellas, drums. Andreví Orchestra of the Conservatory of Cervera (Carles Gumí, conductor).

Link to YouTube:

| Sardanes | Music for cobla




September 2016

Sardana inspired by the cartoon series Dragon Ball and Doraemon.



April 2021

Commissioned by the Agrupació Sardanista de Mollerussa on the occasion of its 75th anniversary.

Premiered on June 27, 2021 at the Teatre de l'Amistat in Mollerussa by the Bellpuig Cobla.

De la Jovencells al Joan


November 2013

Commissioned by the Colla Jovencells de Cervera. Sardana dedicated to Joan Castellà Pifarré.
Premiered in Cervera on November 23, 2013. Recorded live on September 25, 2016, in the Major Square of Cervera, by the Cobla Tàrrega.

Link to Youtube:



February 2006

Commissioned by the Colla Encís, dedicated to Xevi Solé.
Premiered in Manlleu on February 18, 2006.

Fantasy for tenora and cobla

Tenora and cobla | Tenora and piano

June 2017

Winning work for the "Masquefa i Montgrins" cobla music composition prize 2017.

Premiered in Masquefa on April 2, 2017.



September 2018

Commissioned by the Cobla Jovenívola d'Agramunt on the occasion of its 30th anniversary.

Premiered on January 26, 2019 at the Casal Agramuntí d'Agramunt.



May 1999

Winning work of the II Contest for Young Composers of Blanes.
Premiered in Blanes in 1999. Recorded in the CDs "Contemporanis, vol. 2" (2003, AVS 5.1858), "L'audició, vol. 3" (2005, PICAP 91 0442-02) and "Vint tocats" (2015, PICAP 91.1226).

Link to Spotify:



July 2006

Winning sardana of the XIII Ciutat de Mollet Prize 2006. Dedicated to Joan Castellà Pifarré .

Premiered on August 20, 2006 in Mollet.


Vestits de Paper

Sardana | Sardana for tenora and piano

November 2015

Sardana dedicated to L'Amistat and the Museum of Paper Dresses in Mollerussa.
Premiered on November 26, 2016, at the L'Amistat Theater in Mollerussa by the Cobla Jovenívola d'Agramunt. Recorded on the CD "Sardanes a Mollerussa", also by the Cobla Jovenívola d'Agramunt.

| Soloist | Chamber music



Sardana for piano

April 2021

Sardana for solo piano


Woodwind and piano quintet

September 2016

Quintet for flute, oboe, clarinet in b, bassoon and piano.

Premiered on March 30, 2016, at the Conservatory of Cervera.


Per a violoncel i piano

Abril 2021

Estrenat el dia 29 de maig de 2021 a l'Auditori de Cervera per Clara Pallès (violoncel) i Jordi Castellà (piano).

Édith Piaf

Medley for voice, violin, cello, double bass and piano

October 2013

Premiered on November 15, 2013, in the Auditorium Enric Granados in Lleida by Núria Mas (voice), Joan Sancho (violin), Teresa Valls (cello), Rafael Esteve (double bass) and Jordi Castellà (piano).

Bright opening

Brass quintet

May 2016

Brass quintet (2 trumpets in Si b, horn, trombone and tuba).


Octet of trombones

February 2015

Winning work of the First Composition Competition for Trombone Octet of Catalonia. Premiered and recorded live on July 10, 2015, in Valencia (International Trombone Festival "ITF 2015").

Link to youtube:

| Modern music


Ball de Completes

Trumpet, saxophone, trombone, drums, piano, guitar and bass

February 2015-16

The most modern "Completes" in Cervera. Melodies from the "Completes" turned into ballroom dancing.

Premiered and recorded live on February 7, 2015, and February 6, 2016, in the Ballroom of the Casal de Cervera.


Voice, piano, guitar, bass and drums

April 2020

Recording by: Núria Miró, vocals; Josep Rodríguez and Jordi Castellà Rovira, guitars; Roger Azcona, electric bass and double bass; Marc Castellà, piano; Gerard Cortadellas, drums. With the participation of the Teixidor Quartet (Irantzu Zuasti and Joan Marsol, violins; Jordi Armengol, viola; Xavier Roig, cello).

| Carols | Educational project

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Tot anira be


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Un Nadal per a Tothom






"Josep Anselm Clavé" Awards for Choral Singing in Catalonia

Jury Prize for Best Video Production with "Tot Anirà Bé"

Jury Prize for the best composition with "La Corona de Coloms"

Audience Award for Best Live Production with "L'Espill Encantat"


Music Composition Contest for  in Cobla "Masquefa i Montgrins"

First prize with the "Fantasy for Tenor and Cobla"


Composition Competition for Trombone Octet of Catalonia

First prize with the trombones octet "Octopus"


Catalonia Choral Composition Awards, of the Catalan Federation of Choral Entities

First prize with the song "Mariagneta"


Mollet del Vallès Composition Contest

First prize with the sardana "Tardoral"


Composition Competition for Young Composers in Blanes

First prize with the sardana "L'Estudiant"

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